
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Massachusetts Military Reservation
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Multi-Mode Radar
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Multi-Mode Receivers
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Mumbai Metro Region
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Magazine Mistery Reportage
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Main Machinery Room
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Means More Rock
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Manheim Market Report
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Marine Mammal Regulations
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Median Market Rent
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Metaethical Moral Relativism
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Mild Mental Retardation
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Mobile Marketing Research
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Modular Mustang Racing
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Mumps, Measles, Rubella
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Master of Marketing Research
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Maternal Mortality Ratio
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Measles, Mumps, Rubella
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Meet Me Room
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Microfluidizer Mixer Reactor
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Modified Modified Read
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Monroe Mendelsohn Research
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Moore Media Records
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Multi-Market Radio.
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Multi-Media Room
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Multi-Mission Radar
MMR rate
(Abbreviation) Mass Market Retailers

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