
MLE rate
(Abbreviation) Maritime Law Enforcement
MLE rate
(Abbreviation) Markup Language Executive
MLE rate
(Abbreviation) Marxistisk-Leninistisk Enhedsforbund
MLE rate
(Abbreviation) Maximum Likelihood Estimation
MLE rate
(Abbreviation) Maximum Likely Exposure
MLE rate
(Abbreviation) Media Lab Europe
MLE rate
(Abbreviation) Mediated Learning Experience
MLE rate
(Abbreviation) Mesoscale Lightning Experiment
MLE rate
(Abbreviation) Millennium Language Extension
MLE rate
(Abbreviation) Medical Licensing Exam
MLE rate
(Abbreviation) Mount Lourdes Enniskillen
MLE rate
(Abbreviation) Measured Launch Environment
MLE rate
(Abbreviation) Medical Laboratory Evaluation
MLE rate
(Abbreviation) Mid-Level Exception
MLE rate
(Abbreviation) Minimum Length Encoding
MLE rate
(Abbreviation) Magazine Lee Enfield
MLE rate
(Abbreviation) Major League Eating
MLE rate
(Abbreviation) Major League Equivalency
MLE rate
(Abbreviation) Managed Learning Environment

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