
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) Label Switching Router
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) Land Speed Record
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) Launch Site Recovery
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) Local Service Request
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) Lombard Street Research
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) Linux Screen Reader
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) Leeds Student Radio
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) Licensing Service Representative
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) Life Soft Research
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) Lightweight Survivable Rover
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) LilyPond Snippet Repository
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) Label Switch Router
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) Label Switched Router
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) League for Social Reconstruction
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) League for Socialist Reconstruction
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) Leisure Service Restaurants
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) Leni Stern Recordings
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) Life Science Research
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) Life Sciences Research
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) Liquid Silicone Rubber
LSR rate
(Abbreviation) Local Self-Reliance

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