
LIM rate
(Abbreviation) Laboratory Information Management
LIM rate
(Abbreviation) Laboratory Institute of Merchandising
LIM rate
(Abbreviation) Lamellar Injection Molding
LIM rate
(Abbreviation) Land Information Management
LIM rate
(Abbreviation) Laser Integrated Modulator
LIM rate
(Abbreviation) Laser Integrated Module
LIM rate
(Abbreviation) Layout Info Marked
LIM rate
(Abbreviation) Lead Inspection Module
LIM rate
(Abbreviation) Learning Incentive Management
LIM rate
(Abbreviation) Legislative Implementation Module
LIM rate
(Abbreviation) Lifeline Interface Module
LIM rate
(Abbreviation) Lincoln Investment Management
LIM rate
(Abbreviation) Line Interface Module
LIM rate
(Abbreviation) Linear Induction Motors
LIM rate
(Abbreviation) Lite Integration Module
LIM rate
(Abbreviation) Logical Information Machines
LIM rate
(Abbreviation) Low Income Measure
LIM rate
(Abbreviation) Loyola Institute for Ministry
LIM rate
(Abbreviation) Land Information Memorandum

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