
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Karl Rove
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Kent Ridge
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Kenya Railways
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Khmer Rouge
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Kick Returner
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Kingman Reef
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Kirkus Review
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Knock Retard
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Knowledge Representation
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Knowledge Revolution
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Konkan Railway
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Korea, Republic
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Korean Register
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Krebs-Ringer
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Keflavk Reykjanesbr
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Kickoff Returner
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Klingon-Romulan
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Knowledge Reports
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Kurtis Roberts
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Kwami Reid
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Kenosha Racine
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Kevin Rowsome.
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Khana Ras
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Khana Rassadorn
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Kinnear Road
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Knight Ridder
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Kosovo Railways
KR rate
(Abbreviation) Kristee Rosendahl
Kr rate
(Abbreviation) krypton

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