
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Individual Fiber Management
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Infant Food Manufacturers
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Information Flow Manager
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Institute for Financial Markets
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Institute for Functional Medicine
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Institute of Financial Management
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Institute of Fisheries Management
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Integrated Facility Management
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Integrated Financial Management
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Integrated Forward Market
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Intelligent Fabric Module
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Intelligent File Management
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Intelligent Flow Management
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Interactive Financial MessagingTM
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Intergraph Facilities Management
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) International Financial Management
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Internet File Management
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Inventory Forecast Module
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Inverted Force Molding
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Isatabu Freedom Movement
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Incremental Funding Methodology
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Independent Forest Monitoring
IFM rate
(Abbreviation) Independent Faith Mission

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