
HCR rate
(Abbreviation) Hampton Court Resources
HCR rate
(Abbreviation) Handprint Character Recognition
HCR rate
(Abbreviation) Harrison Clinical Research
HCR rate
(Abbreviation) Harvest Control Rule
HCR rate
(Abbreviation) Hawaii Consolidated Railway
HCR rate
(Abbreviation) High Contrast Reflection
HCR rate
(Abbreviation) Hollywood Congress of Republicans
HCR rate
(Abbreviation) Home Condition Report
HCR rate
(Abbreviation) Household Cavalry Regiment
HCR rate
(Abbreviation) Household Cavelry Regiment
HCR rate
(Abbreviation) Huffman Codeword Reordering
HCR rate
(Abbreviation) High Commissioner for Refugees
HCR rate
(Abbreviation) Honey Creek Railroad
HCR rate
(Abbreviation) House Concurrent Resolution
HCR rate
(Abbreviation) Hulme Common Room
HCR rate
(Abbreviation) Health Care Relocations
HCR rate
(Abbreviation) Highway Contract Route
HCR rate
(Abbreviation) Hudson Childrenswear Review

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