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great divide
Or: The Great Divide : 1. The space between a woman's breasts.
Synonyms: cleavage; intermammary cleft; gow; hotline; line of cleavage; mesoseinia; sweet line; sweetest valley, titch; valley; warmest valley.
2. The female labia and genitalia. See vagina for synonyms.
3. A divorce.
(Noun) (Geology.) The North American continental divide (sometimes so-called, and more-or-less in the Rocky Mountains) that delineates those watersheds/rivers that drain into the Pacific from those that drain into the Atlantic/Gulf of Mexico/Caribbean.
Usage: The Hudson River (in New York) flows east of the Great Divide, and the Columbia River (in the Pacific Northwest) is, as one might expect, west.
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grease the gash
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Great Australian Bight
Great Britain
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Great Odin's Raven!
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grease the goofy
grease the skids
grease the wheel
greasing the flagpole
greasing the pipe
greasing the pole
greasing the skillet
greasing your bone
greasing your hips
greasy spoon
Great Australian Bight
Great Britain
Great Depression
Great Divide
great grandchildgreat grandfather
great grandmother
great grandniece
great great grandfather
Great Hormones at Bed Time
great imitator, the
great lover
Great Odin's Raven
Great Odin's Raven!
great pox, the
great pyrenees
great sin of youth
great with child