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(Abbreviation) Flight Refueling Aviation(Abbreviation) Florida Restaurant Association
(Abbreviation) Food Reserve Agency
(Abbreviation) Forward Rate Agreement
(Abbreviation) Fourth Round Assets
(Abbreviation) Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua
(Abbreviation) Frequency Reconfiguration Agreement
(Abbreviation) Frequency Response Analyzer
(Abbreviation) First Round August
(Abbreviation) Flood Risk Assessment
(Abbreviation) Fred Records Archive
(Abbreviation) Fundamental Rights Agency
(Abbreviation) Farm Retail Association
(Abbreviation) Florida Racquetball Association
(Abbreviation) Florida Reading Association
(Abbreviation) Force Recon Association
(Abbreviation) Forward Rental Agreement
(Abbreviation) Forward Rental Application
(Abbreviation) Facultad Regional Avellaneda
(Abbreviation) Federal Rail Administration
(Abbreviation) Federal Railroad Administration
(Abbreviation) Federal Railroad Association
(Abbreviation) Federal Records Act
(Abbreviation) Federal Relations Act
(Abbreviation) Federal Reserve Act
(Abbreviation) Fell Rescue Association
(Abbreviation) Fighting Robot Association
(Abbreviation) Fisheries Research Agency
(Abbreviation) Fitzsimons Redevelopment Authority
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