
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fresenius Medical Services
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Frontec Maintenance Systems
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Funds Management Systems
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Forms Management System
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Freight Management Services
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fabric Manager Server
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Facilities Management Series
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Facilities Management Services
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Facilities Management System
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Facility Management System
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Facility Monitoring System
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Faculty of Management Studies
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) False Memory Syndrome
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fault Management System
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Federated Malay States
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Feed Management Systems
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Feedback Management Server
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fellow of the Microscopical Society
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fere Marist Scholare
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fiberless Management System
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) File Management System
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Film Media Studies
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Finance Managed Services
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Finance Management Science
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Finance Management Solutions
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Financial Management Service
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Financial Management Solutions
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Financial Management Suite
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Financial Management System
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Financial Managers Society
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fingerprint Matching System
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fire Mark Society
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fleet Management Services
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fleet Management Solutions
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fleet Management System
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Flexible Manufacturing System
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Flight Management System
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Flying Model Simulator
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Force Management System
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Force Measuring Systems
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Foreign Military Sales
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Freight Management System
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Formulary Monograph Service
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fortran Monitor System
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fountainhead Media Services
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fratres Mariste Schuole
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fraud Management System
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Faculty of Management Sciences
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Finance Management Society
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fixed Mobile Substitution
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fleet Management Standard
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fratres Maristae a Scolis
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Free Monitoring System
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Facilities Maintenance Services
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Failure to Mature Syndrome
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fallbrook Music Society
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Family Mediation Scotland
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Federal Migration Service
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Federation of Music Services
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Field Marine Science
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Financial Management Service9s
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Flash Media Server
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fredericksburg Motor Sports
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Fund Management System
FMS rate
(Abbreviation) Foreign Military Sales (US government).
Usage: FMS is transferring weapons to Ukraine.

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