
FIR rate
(Abbreviation) Federazione Italiana Rugby
FIR rate
(Abbreviation) Field Interview Report
FIR rate
(Abbreviation) Financial Innovations Roundtable
FIR rate
(Abbreviation) Finite Impulse Response
FIR rate
(Abbreviation) First Information Report
FIR rate
(Abbreviation) Flats Industrial Railroad
FIR rate
(Abbreviation) Flight Information Regions
FIR rate
(Abbreviation) Forest Industrial Relations
FIR rate
(Abbreviation) FutureProof Interactive Receptacle
FIR rate
(Abbreviation) Far Infra Red
FIR rate
(Abbreviation) Fully Indexed Rate
FIR rate
(Abbreviation) Fahrner Image Replacement
FIR rate
(Abbreviation) Far Infrared Radiation
FIR rate
(Abbreviation) Far Infrared Rays
FIR rate
(Abbreviation) Flash Image Replacement
FIR rate
(Abbreviation) Frontiers In Reproduction
FIR rate
(Abbreviation) Fairyland in Reality

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