
FCR rate
(Abbreviation) First Call Resolution
FCR rate
(Abbreviation) First Contact Resolution
FCR rate
(Abbreviation) Fire Control Radar
FCR rate
(Abbreviation) Fire-Cracked Rock
FCR rate
(Abbreviation) Federal Case Registry
FCR rate
(Abbreviation) File Control Record
FCR rate
(Abbreviation) Flexor Carpi Radialis
FCR rate
(Abbreviation) Flight Control Room
FCR rate
(Abbreviation) Flow Characterization Rheometer
FCR rate
(Abbreviation) Forest City Ratner
FCR rate
(Abbreviation) Frontier Crimes Regulation
FCR rate
(Abbreviation) Fulton County Railway
FCR rate
(Abbreviation) Fairy Chess Review
FCR rate
(Abbreviation) Florida Center for Recovery
FCR rate
(Abbreviation) Foreign Car Rebuilding
FCR rate
(Abbreviation) Friend of the Club Resident
FCR rate
(Abbreviation) Fuel Cost Recovery
FCR rate
(Abbreviation) Fuji Computed Radiography

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