

easy rate
(Adjective) simple
Usage: this test is easy.

easy rate
(Adjective) simple, not challenging.
easy rate
(Adjective) not requiring much effort.
Easy rate
(Adjective) The antonym of onerous
easy rate
(Adjective) Posing little hardship or difficulty; readily accomplished, finished, undertaken.
easy rate
(Verb) simple or not hard
Usage: The math test was easy.

easy rate
not hard, difficult, or challenging
Usage: the test was easy

easy rate
(Adjective) requires little effort; not difficult
Usage: The test was so easy that everyone in the class got an A.

easy rate
(Adjective) simple, not hard
easy rate
(Adjective) not difficult
easy rate
(Adjective) not hard to do
easy rate
(Adjective) not hard.
EASY rate
(Abbreviation) European Auto Salvage Yard

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