
DLR rate
(Abbreviation) Design Layout Record
DLR rate
(Abbreviation) Deter-Locate-Recover
DLR rate
(Abbreviation) Deutsche Luft-Reederei
DLR rate
(Abbreviation) Digital Library Reserve
DLR rate
(Abbreviation) Digital Living Room
DLR rate
(Abbreviation) Direct Line Recording
DLR rate
(Abbreviation) Director Land Requirements
DLR rate
(Abbreviation) Directorate of Land Requirements
DLR rate
(Abbreviation) Dobrushin-Lanford-Ruelle
DLR rate
(Abbreviation) Docklands Light Railway
DLR rate
(Abbreviation) Driver Licence Register
DLR rate
(Abbreviation) David Lee Roth
DLR rate
(Abbreviation) Dynamic Language Runtime
DLR rate
(Abbreviation) Deep Link Ratio
DLR rate
(Abbreviation) Dictionarul Limbii Romane
DLR rate
(Abbreviation) Discrimination Law Review
DLR rate
(Abbreviation) Displacement Length Ratio
DLR rate
(Abbreviation) Dead Leaves Rising

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