
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Department of General Services
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Diego Garcia Station
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Digital Gaming Solutions
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Digital Growth Services
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Diocesan Girl's School
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Diocesan Girls' School
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Directorate-General of Security
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Directorate General of Shipping
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Distributed Ground Station
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Dorian Gray Syndrome
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Dull Government Stuff
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Defense Government Services
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Diminished Gluteal Syndrome
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Drake-Goosen-Sparks
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Dallas Geological Society
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Dark Green-Spring
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Denver Geophysical Society
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Diffuse, Glossy, Specular.
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Digital Graphic Systems
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Director of Graduate Studies
DGS rate
(Abbreviation) Directors of Graduate Study

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