
DFB rate
(Abbreviation) Deutscher Fussball Bund
DFB rate
(Abbreviation) Deutscher Fußball-Bund
DFB rate
(Abbreviation) Differential Fast Bus
DFB rate
(Abbreviation) Distributed Feed Back
DFB rate
(Abbreviation) Distributor Feed-Back
DFB rate
(Abbreviation) Deutsche Fuball Bund
DFB rate
(Abbreviation) Deutscher Fuball-Bund
DFB rate
(Abbreviation) Dark Faded Blue
DFB rate
(Abbreviation) Dampfbahn Furka-Bergstrecke
DFB rate
(Abbreviation) Deep Fluidized Bed
DFB rate
(Abbreviation) Delta Festival Ballet
DFB rate
(Abbreviation) Democratic Federation of Burma
DFB rate
(Abbreviation) Deustcher Fussball Bund
DFB rate
(Abbreviation) Deutsche Fussball Bund

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