
CIAO rate
(Abbreviation) Children's International Arts Organisation
CIAO rate
(Abbreviation) Columbia International Affairs Online
CIAO rate
(Abbreviation) Conceptual Intermedia Arts Online
ciao rate
(Expression) Florentine goodbye
Ciao rate
(Expression) Italian; the informal "hello!" or "goodbye!"
Usage: Ciao Maria!

ciao rate
it means hello or goodbye in italian
ciao rate
hi or bye in Italian
CIAO rate
(Abbreviation) Community Information Agents Online
CIAO rate
(Abbreviation) Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office
CIAO rate
(Abbreviation) Critical Infrastructure Assurance Officer
CIAO rate
(Abbreviation) Chief Infrastructure Assurance Officer
CIAO rate
(Abbreviation) Colombia International Affairs Online
CIAO rate
(Abbreviation) Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations
Ciao rate
(Interjection) A friendly parting expression, originating in Italy, and now used frequently all over Europe and America too.
Usage: "Hey, it's been nice talking to you. Well, I guess I'll be seeing you around... Ciao!"

ciao rate
In italian it means "Hello".

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