
CIW rate
(Abbreviation) California Institution for Women
CIW rate
(Abbreviation) Canadian International Wrestling
CIW rate
(Abbreviation) Carnegie Institution of Washington
CIW rate
(Abbreviation) Certified Internet Web
CIW rate
(Abbreviation) Certified Internet Webmaster
CIW rate
(Abbreviation) China Information World
CIW rate
(Abbreviation) China Intelligence Wire
CIW rate
(Abbreviation) Coalition of Immokalee Workers
CIW rate
(Abbreviation) Computer Integrated Welding
CIW rate
(Abbreviation) Clinical Investigation Ward
CIW rate
(Abbreviation) Computational Intensive Workload
CIW rate
(Abbreviation) Canadian Index of Welfare
CIW rate
(Abbreviation) Center for Irregular Warfare

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