
CCMS rate
(Abbreviation) Child Care Management System
CCMS rate
(Abbreviation) China Capital Markets Service
CCMS rate
(Abbreviation) Clare College Music Society
CCMS rate
(Abbreviation) Clinical Care Management Software
CCMS rate
(Abbreviation) Clinical Case Management System
CCMS rate
(Abbreviation) Computer Center Management System
CCMS rate
(Abbreviation) Computing Center Management System
CCMS rate
(Abbreviation) Credit Card Management System
CCMS rate
(Abbreviation) Curtis Corner Middle School
CCMS rate
(Abbreviation) Council for Catholic Maintained Schools
CCMS rate
(Abbreviation) City Centre Movement Strategy
CCMS rate
(Abbreviation) Concord Chamber Music Society
CCMS rate
(Abbreviation) Cable Computerized Management Systems
CCMS rate
(Abbreviation) Candela's Color Management System
CCMS rate
(Abbreviation) CareEnhance Clinical Management Software
CCMS rate
(Abbreviation) Carrier Content Management System
CCMS rate
(Abbreviation) Case Control Management System
CCMS rate
(Abbreviation) Central Case Management System

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