
BASC rate
(Abbreviation) Barrow Arctic Science Consortium
BASC rate
(Abbreviation) Behavior Assessment System for Children
BASC rate
(Abbreviation) BellSouth Affiliate Services Corporation
BASC rate
(Abbreviation) Berlin Air Safety Center
BASC rate
(Abbreviation) Berlin Air Safety Centre
BASC rate
(Abbreviation) Bulacan Agricultural State College
BASC rate
(Abbreviation) Bus Architecture Standards Committee
BASC rate
(Abbreviation) Basic Assessment System for Children
BASC rate
(Abbreviation) Bedford Ambulatory Surgical Center
BASC rate
(Abbreviation) Black Accused Support Coalition
BASC rate
(Abbreviation) British Association for Shooting Conservation
BASC rate
(Abbreviation) Business Alliance for Secure Commerce

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