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(Abbreviation) Application Implementation Method(Abbreviation) Association for Interactive Media
(Abbreviation) Alternative Instructional Multiplex
(Abbreviation) Anugerah Industri Malaysia
(Abbreviation) Academic Information Management
(Abbreviation) Academy In Manayunk
(Abbreviation) Academy Introduction Mission
(Abbreviation) Accessible Instructional Materials
(Abbreviation) Activated Instant Messengers
(Abbreviation) Active Integrated Management
(Abbreviation) Advanced Idea Mechanic
(Abbreviation) Advanced Industrial Materials
(Abbreviation) Advanced Institute of Management
(Abbreviation) Advanced Integrated Matrix
(Abbreviation) Advanced Integration Menthod
(Abbreviation) Aeronoutical Information Manual
(Abbreviation) African Interior Ministries
(Abbreviation) Agape International Missions
(Abbreviation) Agencia Informao Moambique
(Abbreviation) Agency Information Management
(Abbreviation) AhlulBayt Islamic Mission
(Abbreviation) Airmen Information Manual
(Abbreviation) Alamo Incorporation Movement
(Abbreviation) Algorithmic Image Matching
(Abbreviation) Alice Interactive Mathematics
(Abbreviation) Alliance for International Monasticism
(Abbreviation) Alliance Inspection Management
(Abbreviation) Alpha Iota Mu
(Abbreviation) American Imaging Management
(Abbreviation) American Institute for Mathematics
(Abbreviation) American Institute of Math
(Abbreviation) Amsterdamse Innovatie Motor
(Abbreviation) Ancestry Informative Marker
(Abbreviation) Anderson Interfaith Ministries
(Abbreviation) Announces Independent Music
(Abbreviation) Armed Islamic Movement
(Abbreviation) Artificial Intelligence Matching
(Abbreviation) Association for Information Managers
(Abbreviation) Association of Independent Members
(Abbreviation) Association of Information Managers
(Abbreviation) Atlantic Internet Marketing
(Abbreviation) Australian Institute of Management
(Abbreviation) Australian Isola Materials
(Abbreviation) Automated Interaction Management
(Abbreviation) Automobile Impound Management
(Noun) aol instant messenger
(Abbreviation) Advanced Independent Medic (AIM). A military medic trained and certified to provide independent medical care at remote sites during civil actions or humanitarian operations, in the absence of a physician. These medical personnel must be a graduate of one of the following Services training programs: Navy Independent Duty Corpsman (IDC) training, Air Force Independent Duty Medical Technician (IDMT) training, the Special Operations Independent Duty Corpsman Course, or the Special Forces Medical Sergeant?s Course (SFMS), or the Special Operations Independent Duty Corpsman (SOIDC) course. The following military medical occupations are included in this definition: AFSC 4N071C, MOS 18D, NEC HM8402, NEC HM8403, NEC HM8425, or NEC HM8491.
Usage: According to his resume, he wrote that he had extensive experience as an AIM where he performed advanced medical care in the abscence of a physician.
(Noun) AOL Instant messenger, used to communicate on the internet by sending messages between screen names.
Usage: <sandyfool265> Hey Guys, I just got AIM
<42ducks4lyfe> Aww man that's awesome!
<cookiesmang356786> Way to go Sandy!
<42ducks4lyfe> Aww man that's awesome!
<cookiesmang356786> Way to go Sandy!
to take focus
(Verb) to pinpoint, usually where you want to throw or shoot something
(Noun) Synonym of scope
(Abbreviation) Action In Management
(Abbreviation) Active Information Management
(Abbreviation) Active Information Manager
(Abbreviation) Active Injection Mode
(Abbreviation) Association for International Management
(Abbreviation) Association of Independent Music
(Abbreviation) Association of Information Management
(Abbreviation) Association of Interactive Marketing
(Abbreviation) Association of Interactive Media
(Abbreviation) Association of Interfaith Ministers
(Abbreviation) Association of International Mercenaries
(Abbreviation) Athletic Injury Management
(Abbreviation) Atlantic International Medical
(Abbreviation) Attachmate Intranet Masters
(Abbreviation) Atypical Infant Motivation
(Abbreviation) Audit, Institutionalize, Measure
(Abbreviation) Australian Inland Mission
(Abbreviation) Automated Identification Manufacturers
(Abbreviation) Automated Infrastructure Management
(Abbreviation) Automated Intelligent Microscopy
(Abbreviation) Automated Interface Management
(Abbreviation) Automatic Identification Manufacturers
(Abbreviation) Automatic Impedance Match
(Abbreviation) Automatic Impedance Matching
(Abbreviation) Automation Integration Module
(Noun) goal
Usage: My aim in this study
(Abbreviation) Ace Institute of Management
(Abbreviation) Adaptive Integral Method
(Abbreviation) Agility Index Measurements
(Abbreviation) Air Intercept Missile
(Abbreviation) Alternate Investment Market
(Abbreviation) Application Implementation Methodology
(Abbreviation) Application Infrastructure Management
(Abbreviation) Application Integration Methodology
(Abbreviation) Application Integration Module
(Abbreviation) Application Intelligence Metrics
(Abbreviation) Application Interface Model
(Abbreviation) Application Investment Management
(Abbreviation) Applied Information Management
(Abbreviation) Applied Innovation Management
(Abbreviation) Applique Insert Molding
(Abbreviation) Arlington Independent Media
(Abbreviation) Armenian International Magazine
(Abbreviation) Army of India Medal
(Abbreviation) Arthur Information Manager
(Abbreviation) Artificial Intelligence Mortgage
(Abbreviation) Artist Internet Management
(Abbreviation) Aryan International Movement
(Abbreviation) Ascend Inverse Multiplexing
(Abbreviation) Asian Institute of Management
(Abbreviation) Assess, Implement, Manage
(Abbreviation) Assessment-Intervention Matrix
(Abbreviation) Assessment Inventory for Management
(Abbreviation) Asset Information Management
(Abbreviation) Associated Industries of Massachusetts
(Abbreviation) Association for Interactive Marketing
(Abbreviation) Active Interest Media
(Abbreviation) ActiveWorks Integration Methodology
(Abbreviation) Activities In Motion
(Abbreviation) Acuity Index Method
(Abbreviation) Acute Inpatient Medicine
(Abbreviation) Adaptive Intelligent Marketing
(Abbreviation) Adaptive Intelligent Merchandising
(Abbreviation) Adaptive Interference Management
(Abbreviation) Adaptive Inventory Management
(Abbreviation) Adaptive Inventory Manager
(Abbreviation) Adaptive Ion Milling
(Abbreviation) Adult Industry Medical
(Abbreviation) Advanced Idea Mechanics
(Abbreviation) Advanced Ileitis Management
(Abbreviation) Advanced Image Magnification
(Abbreviation) Advanced Implementation Methodology
(Abbreviation) Advanced Information Management
(Abbreviation) Advanced Infosec Module
(Abbreviation) Advanced Infrastructure Management
(Abbreviation) Advanced Integrated Management
(Abbreviation) Advanced Integrated Manufacturing
(Abbreviation) Advanced Integration Method
(Abbreviation) Advanced Integration Module
(Abbreviation) Advanced Intelligence Multiplexer
(Abbreviation) Advanced Intelligent Messaging
(Abbreviation) Advanced Intelligent Multiplexers
(Abbreviation) Advanced Interactive Monitor
(Abbreviation) Advanced Interactive Multimedia
(Abbreviation) Advanced Internet Management
(Abbreviation) Advanced Internet Marketing
(Abbreviation) Advanced Inventory Management
(Abbreviation) Advancement In Micron
(Abbreviation) Adventures In Missions
(Abbreviation) Aeronautical Information Manual
(Abbreviation) Aether Intelligent Messaging
(Abbreviation) Africa Inland Mission
(Abbreviation) Ag Information Manager
(Abbreviation) Agency Incentive Management
(Abbreviation) Agile Implementation Methodology
(Abbreviation) Aid to Incarcerated Mothers
(Abbreviation) Airborne Intercept Monitoring
(Abbreviation) Alki Intelligent Merchandising
(Abbreviation) All India Movement
(Abbreviation) Allen Investment Ministry
(Abbreviation) Allied Investment Mortgage
(Abbreviation) Alternative Industrial Marketing
(Abbreviation) Alternative Investment Management
(Abbreviation) Alternative Investment Manager
(Abbreviation) Alternative Investment Market
(Abbreviation) Alternative Investment Market of
(Abbreviation) Alternative Investments Market
(Abbreviation) Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia
(Abbreviation) America's Interactive Media
(Abbreviation) American Indian Movement
(Abbreviation) American Innovative Manufacturing
(Abbreviation) American Institute of Mathematics
(Abbreviation) American Institute of Monterrey
(Abbreviation) American Interactive Media
(Abbreviation) AmeriSource Inventory Management
(Abbreviation) Anesthesia Information Management
(Abbreviation) Anugerah Industri Musik
(Abbreviation) Anugerah Industri Muzik
(Abbreviation) Active Integration Methodology
(Abbreviation) Abaco Independence Movement
(Abbreviation) Abrams Integrated Maintenance
(Abbreviation) Abrams Integrated Management
(Abbreviation) Academically Interested Minorities
(Abbreviation) Accelerated Implementation Management
(Abbreviation) Accelerated Implementation Methodology
(Abbreviation) Accelerative Integrated Method
(Abbreviation) Accuracy In Media
(Abbreviation) Achievement Improvement Monitor
(Abbreviation) Acquisition Information Management
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