
AHI rate
(Abbreviation) Amsterdam Holdings, Inc.
AHI rate
(Abbreviation) Australian Hypersonics Initiative
AHI rate
(Abbreviation) Allied Health Instructor
AHI rate
(Abbreviation) Alumni Holidays International
AHI rate
(Abbreviation) Authentic Happiness Inventory
Ahi rate
(Noun) A species of tuna; yellowfin or bigeye are both considered ahi.
Usage: I ate ahi tuna tacos for lunch.

AHI rate
(Abbreviation) Advanced Human Interface
AHI rate
(Abbreviation) Advantage Hiring Inc.
AHI rate
(Abbreviation) Adventist Health International
AHI rate
(Abbreviation) American Health Inc.
AHI rate
(Abbreviation) American Household Inc.
AHI rate
(Abbreviation) AmeriComm Holdings, Inc.
AHI rate
(Abbreviation) Animal Health Institute
AHI rate
(Abbreviation) Apnea Hypopnea Index
AHI rate
(Abbreviation) Arizona Heart Institute
AHI rate
(Abbreviation) Asean Holdings Inc.
AHI rate
(Abbreviation) Automated Healthcare, Inc.
AHI rate
(Abbreviation) American Hellenic Institute

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