
ABCD rate
(Abbreviation) Affiliated Bridge Clubs Directory
ABCD rate
(Abbreviation) American Born Confused Dog
ABCD rate
(Abbreviation) Any Bozo Can Do
ABCD rate
(Abbreviation) Association of British Choral Directors
ABCD rate
(Abbreviation) Asymmetry, Border, Color, Dimension
ABCD rate
(Abbreviation) Access to Biological Collections Data
ABCD rate
(Abbreviation) American Born Confused Desi
ABCD rate
(Abbreviation) Affordable Buildings for Children's Development
ABCD rate
(Abbreviation) Alternans Before Cardioverter Defibrillator
ABCD rate
(Abbreviation) Asset Based Community Development
ABCD rate
(Abbreviation) Action for Boston Community Development
ABCD rate
(Abbreviation) Access to Better Community Data

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