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(Abbreviation) American Association of Museums(Abbreviation) Academy of Ancient Music
(Abbreviation) air to air missile
(Abbreviation) Accredited Automotive Manager
(Abbreviation) Active Appearance Model
(Abbreviation) Alleghany Asset Management
(Abbreviation) Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers
(Abbreviation) Allianz Asset Management
(Abbreviation) America Abroad Media
(Abbreviation) Anaesthesia Associates of Massachusetts
(Abbreviation) Anaheim Arena Management
(Abbreviation) Anti-Apartheid Movement
(Abbreviation) Association for Accounting Marketing
(Abbreviation) Association of Accounting Marketing
(Abbreviation) Association of Assistant Mistresses
(Abbreviation) Australian Antarctic Medal
(Abbreviation) Automated Availability Manager
(Abbreviation) Automobile Association of Malaysia
(Abbreviation) Automotive Association of Malaysia
(Abbreviation) Avalon Archive Manager
(Abbreviation) Advanced Alternative Media
(Abbreviation) Advanced Avionics Module
(Abbreviation) American Academy of Microbiology
(Abbreviation) Animal Advocacy Movement
(Abbreviation) Automobile Association Malaysia
(Abbreviation) Aberdeen Asset Management
(Abbreviation) All American Markers
(Abbreviation) Alliance for American Manufacturing
(Abbreviation) Alliance for Automobile Manufacturers
(Abbreviation) Anti Apartheid Movement
(Abbreviation) Anugrah Argon Medica
(Abbreviation) Association of Anglican Musicians
(Abbreviation) Association of Artist Managers
(Abbreviation) Association of Athletics Managers
(Abbreviation) Atmospheric Angular Momentum
(Noun) a Dutch and German unit of liquid measure.
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