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The "numberspeak" version of "leet" or "elite"Usage: OMG that is so 1337
(Expression) A very good game player.
Usage: John is pretty bloody 1337.
(Expression) Being around too many games
Usage: 0mg 1 @m $0000000 1337! 8u7 7h33z h4x04$ @r3 n07!!!!
(Adjective) Gamerspeak for 'elite' meaning good or proficient at e-sports
(Expression) Translated as leet. Leet is most often used in online games in which chatting is allowed although it is uncommon to see a person who uses leet excessively. People who overuse leetspeak may be referred to as an "internet troll" or a "spammer".
Usage: Examples: 13375P34k, H4x0r, |0|, 8r07|-|3r, P1K|/|1||, etc...
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