sex organs
Or: sexual organs : 1. Or: sex(ual) organs of reproduction / sex(ual) and reproductive organs , the anatomical structures required for and involved directly in reproduction, including the vagina, clitoris, vulva, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and related structures in women, the penis, testes and related structures, prostate, seminal vesicles, and bulbo urethral glands in meen.
Synonyms: genital organs; genitalia; genitals; human reproductive organs; organs of generation; (male and/or female) organs of reproduction; organs of the reproductive system; reproductive organs (of either the male or female). See penis and vagina for synonyms.
2. The anatomical structures that can be eroticized, even though they may play no direct role in reproduction (such as the clitoris or the breasts).
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