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passion rate
(Adult / Slang)

(1) Empress Agrippa and Oedipus (Eddie Cantor) in Roman Scandals (1933):
-- Empress: ' Oedipus, have you ever been fired by passion? '
-- Oedipus: ' No, but I've been fired by everyone else.'

(2) Lord Henry Wotton (George Sanders) in The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945): ' Always! That's a dreadful word. Women are so fond of using it, they spoil every romance by trying to make it last forever. The only difference between a caprice and a lifetime passion is that the caprice lasts a little longer.'

(3) Lorenzo Anello (Robert De Niro) to his son Calogero/C (Lillo Brancato) in A Bronx Tale (1993): ' Sometimes, in the heat of passion, the little head tells the big head what to do and the big head should think twice about it.'

passion rate
(Noun) a strong feeling; desire; lust
passion rate
(Noun) intensity
passion rate
(Noun) ardor
passion rate
(Noun) any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling.
passion rate
a strong emotion respresenting desire
Passion rate
strong feeling or enthusiasm, a kind of love.

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