179 were donated in April
This month, we are on track to donate 180



LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Lactation Amenorrhea Method
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Lactational Amenorrhea Method
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Laptop Auto-Mount
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Large Area Mask
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Laser Additive Manufacturing
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Laser Aiming Module
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Latin American-Mediterranean.
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Latin American Missionaries
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Lazard Asset Management
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Lee Agri-Media
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Lifecycle Asset Management
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Lightweight Adaptive Multicast
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Liquid Apogee Motor
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Lisp Algebraic Manipulator
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Lobe Attachment Module
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Local Area Multicomputer
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Loiter Attack Missile
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Loiter Attack Munition
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Loitering Attack Munition
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Long Aerial Mine
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Low Adult Male
LAM rate
Leslie's Aluminium Mould and Deckle for craft papermaking a A3 super smooth paper.
Usage: Part of the new smooth papermaking technology developed by Mr Leslie Westerlund, a scientist from Perth, W.Australia. The aluminium frame is rigid and supports a new stainless steel screen especially for high quality craft paper. The paper is so smooth it can go through modern colour printers.

LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Latin America Monitor
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Local Area Models
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Los Angeles Mirror
LAM rate
(Abbreviation) Laboratory for Advanced Materials

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